Spot Counterfeit Money Accurately! Follow These Steps to Avoid Its Impact

PT Murni Solusindo Nusantara


June 27, 2023


Based on that statement, what are the most suitable steps to detect counterfeit money and minimize losses for companies? Here are some tips from us:

1. Build Employee Awareness

Sosialisasi ke Karyawan

Increasing awareness related to the dangers and characteristics of counterfeit money is crucial for front-office employees who handle from customers. Provide your employees with proper training on the characteristics and identification methods of counterfeit money to ensure they are vigilant against potential payments with counterfeit money.

2. Provide Counterfeit Money Detection Machines

Menyediakan Mesin Pendeteksi Uang Palsu

Following the increasingly diverse technology of counterfeit money, manual identification by visual inspection, touch, and watermark observation can only detect images and watermarks. But what about other security features of money? Some retail businesses have started implementing UV counterfeit detectors at cashiers in the front office. With its small design, these UV detection devices can be placed next to the register to assist employees in detecting UV features on money.

3. Use Counting Machines

Menggunakan Mesin Pendeteksi Uang Palsu

For businesses that handle a large amount of paper money on a daily basis, we recommend using cash counting machines. But, why recommend cash counting machines, instead of counterfeit money detection machines? Because these machines provide great benefits— by maximizing work efficiency, cash counting machines can detect counterfeit money while counting cash, thus improving transaction security and speeding up payment services.

Cash counting machines come with various features and functions, so you need to choose wisely, based on your needs. Learn about how to choose the ideal cash counting machine for your business.

Ilustrasi Customer Experience (CX). Sumber: Freepik

Digital Content Writer

January 22, 2024